Jonathan Jewett

About Me
I've been a salesman my entire career, which began in 1992 when I graduated from UMass Amherst with a BA in English. I worked directly for the VP Sales at Calidus Systems, and this job was the start of my lifelong passion for professional sales.
Over my 22-year career, I've sold radio advertising (Live 105), worked for almost a dozen startups (2 acquisitions, 1 IPO), two large companies (Oracle and Dassault Systems), and founded my own email marketing company. I even found time to earn an MBA (Babson College).
I've built sales teams from the ground up, initiated turnarounds for underperforming teams, set sales strategy, and driven double-digit revenue growth. I've figured out what it takes so succeed in sales, and this is what prompted me to write The 40 Best Sales Techniques Ever.
My sales philosophy is that sales happen in what you do every day. If you're doing the right things well, you'll drive the right outcomes. This is the premise of my book, and how my approach differs from conventional sales training. I focus on best practices that have been proven over countless customer engagements and can be used right away to drive better results.
In my experience, a motivated rep armed with a portfolio of battle-tested sales techniques will become a sales superstar. The best practices I've developed around prospecting, pipeline creation, running the sales cycle, contracting, negotiation, and closing can be taught and will quickly become best practices for your entire organization.
In addition to speaking, consulting, and coaching, I'm a regular contributor to Top Sales World magazine and the iSalesman blog.
LinkedIn: Jonathan Jewett
Twitter: @SalesInnovate
Facebook: jonathanjewettfan